We are all travelers…

Welcome to Odyssey of the Heart. I began this blog in 2008 after having a heart attack at 52. As you might expect, I explored what precipitated my heart attack and my recovery efforts. I was pretty dedicated to it for a while, but life got in the way and I set it aside with the intention of reviving it someday. That day has come.

As I was planning my return to blogging, I thought about what I wanted this blog to be. My life over the past decade has been full – teeming, in fact – with adventures and challenges and turmoil. As I’ve soared through the air and waded through the muck, I’ve come to the conclusion that the odyssey of heart I am experiencing is much more than a narrow focus on the organ beating (thankfully) in the middle of my chest.

An odyssey is “a long wandering or voyage marked by many changes of fortune.” (Mirriam-Webster) What a perfect description that is of life! My life’s journey has been full of blessings and roadblocks, unexpected joys and heartbreaks that caused me to freeze in my tracks, sometimes for months. And every bit of the journey has affected my heart – sometimes physically, often emotionally, always spiritually.

The fact is I cannot separate my physical and emotional being from my spirit if I want to live wholeheartedly and authentically (thank you, Brene Brown for reminding me of that). So here I am, exploring the many aspects of my own Odyssey publicly. I do so in the hope that I may find other travelers who will dance, sing, struggle, mourn, laugh, trudge and weep with me as we embrace this wonderful Odyssey of the Heart.